Business Growth And Development Consultancies

Business Growth And Development

Business Modelling, Strategic Planning & Strategy Review

Business modeling (strategic planning) entails restructuring organization structure to carry the strategy as stipulated in the strategic document. Most institutions will have a lucrative strategic plan but have an organization structure which is very different from what is stipulated in the strategic plan.

A strategic plan is a conceptualized vision; organizations must operationalize them by modeling and customizing their business structures including their financial budgeting, compelling marketing strategies for demand creation and market execution.

We also conduct strategic plan reviews which entail evaluating the relevance of the business goals as stipulated in the strategic plan, their realization structures and to what extent they have been implemented.

We have perfected our consultancy by incorporating Balance Score Card(BSC) to measure the performance of organizations and how intangible assets within the organization contributes to the realization of its top-line and bottom-line objectives.


Years Of Experience


Successful Projects


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Happy Clients

Commercial Business Due Diligence & Business Modelling

Most organizations have formulated business processes, policies, standard operating procedures, strategic plans and service level agreements. However, not many of these organizations which have tested how effective those procedures and policies are and to what extent they have been implemented within the business operations.

We provide due diligence and assessment consultancy services to organizations and advice on the effectiveness or otherwise on the same to the management. Our assessments are informed by the best practices and the emerging trends in the industry and the market at large.

We also formulate different policies and standard operating procedures for organizations upon requisition. In line with the above, we assist our clients to conduct Competitor Analysis, Customer Satisfactions Surveys and align the Institution’s customer value propositions with products & Services placements.

Need consultancy services?
Call us on +254 713 278 282, +254 721 947 604, +254 715 712 388